There are some books that just grab you. One paragraph into the volume and you are just hooked. It had been my hope that Surviving your Serengeti would be like that. wasn't. Mr. Swanepoels intent was obvious and his message was strong. The character Zacaraiah explains nature, the wild animals of Africa and their way of life - and how each of us can learn from the animals. Neat idea, but taken a little too far. Although not the most interesting story, nor the most enjoyable, Surviving Your Serengeti is a New York Times bestseller. It’s more of Zacaraiah – or the author – telling you what it is he wants you to know; lots of facts. There’s not much of an adventure – more observation.
Where the author was involved in real estate, many of the “Praise for Surviving Your Serengeti” are from professionals in that industry. I wonder if it made the New York Times bestseller list because of colleagues buying the book.
I was disappointed. I was expecting something better.
Disclaimer: I receive books from Thomas Nelson Publishers (Booksneeze) free of charge in exchange for my unbiased opinion of them. I am not threatened or rewarded in any way in efforts to encourage me to provide a positive review. All opinions are mine.